Metal Fabrication: Three Essential Precautions for Effective Specification

Posted on: 27 January 2020

If you are planning on ordering custom metal parts, it is important to understand specifications. In general, when acquiring metal components, you will need to provide clear instructions on their fabrications for your manufacturer. If the specifications outlined are not clear, the fabrication process might take longer than expected, leading to significant delays in your industrial or commercial operations. In addition, poor specifications can lead to increased costs. Here are simple tips to keep in mind before submitting your design to your metal fabrication company.

Know Your Materials

It is important to understand the benefits and limitations of your materials before outlining the specifications for your design. In simple terms, each metal has unique properties which must be taken into account for an ideal design. Therefore, you should evaluate the metals which can be used for your project. The important characteristics to consider include strength, appearance and malleability. Then, choose the most suitable for your requirements. Avoid materials which will need a lot of modifications to suit your purposes.

Consider the Tolerance

Tolerance is a critical aspect to consider when planning for fabrication of custom parts. Tolerance refers to the precision in manufacturing of the dimensions of the specific components. This is an important factor when providing specifications to the manufacturer. If you choose tight tolerances for your project, the work will be more complicated. The fabricator will need more precise equipment to achieve the desired results. The project might also take longer and cost more. Therefore, it is advisable to consider whether accuracy is critical for your project. If not, consider not specifying the tolerance.

Remove Excess Details

It can be tempting to provide as many details as possible when submitting your design along with the specifications. Often, people assume that more details will help the manufacturer and ensure that their custom item is produced perfectly. However, unnecessary details on your design draft can make it more difficult to decipher your requirements unless you are familiar with the industry. Simply speaking, a lot of details will probably confuse the metal fabricator. Consequently, it will take more time to manufacture. The costs might also be higher. Therefore, consult your manufacturer on the desired information before submitting your design. If there are additional and unnecessary details, you should eliminate them and allow the manufacturer to work from your basic design.

Finally, you should check the complexity of your design before sending it to the metal fabricator. If possible, simplify your drawing and make a more basic design for cheap and quick manufacturing. 
