
  • Why Do You Need a Re-Establishment Survey If You're Getting Ready to Sell Your Property?

    If you are thinking about moving home and haven't done so for a very long time, you've got a lot of planning ahead of you. Over the decades, perhaps you have carried out a number of different improvements to your property, might have built an extension, or even introduced a new boundary wall. One of the first questions that you need to ask is whether your original title is still fully accurate, as a consequence of all of these changes?
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  • Guys' Guide to Buying the Right Diamond Engagement Ring

    So you've finally decided to pop the question — congratulations on your impending nuptials! But before you can start planning the wedding, you need to ensure that you have the right ring when proposing to your girlfriend. Diamond engagement rings are the favourite option for most couples. However, if you are a newbie when it comes to jewellery, you may not know how to go about whittling down the options that are available.
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  • How to Protect Carbon Steel from Corrosion Prior to Use

    Sheets of carbon steel need to be protected from corrosion before they are used. This article discusses some of the measures that buyers of this type of steel can consider so that their materials aren't damaged by corrosion before they are used. Temporary Protective Coatings You can ask the supplier of the steel sheets to apply one of the available temporary rust-protection coatings on the steel. Rust prevention oil is one of the coatings that can be used.
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  • Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing Balustrades for your Home

    The stairway, balcony and terrace are unique features that can add or eliminate gloom in your home. As such, selecting a balustrade for the stairway or balcony should be considered an important task because of the amount of money involved in the design and development. The fact that balustrades could be made from different materials makes the selection process a daunting exercise. Add this to the vast array of balustrade designs available, and you are spoilt for choice.
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  • Selecting the Right Type of Sacrificial Anode for Your Boating Adventures

    If you're planning a life on the ocean wave and are relatively new to the marine world, you need to learn more about the exciting subject of corrosion. It's an unfortunate part of life here, but the good news is that you can use "sacrificial" anodes in order to keep such corrosion at bay. What do you need to know about the risk and how you can deal with it?
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  • 5 Essentials to Cover at Your Annual Body Corporate Management Meeting

    If you own property in a shared situation such as a strata community, a group of retailers in a shared space, a condo building or a similar type of arrangement, a body corporate management group will oversee a lot of aspects of your community. In most cases, this group will have regular meetings, but at least once a year, you should have a comprehensive annual meeting to which all community members are invited.
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  • What to Ask Before Investing in a Truck-Mounted Attenuator

    Before investing in a truck-mounted attenuator, or bump truck as they're often called, you want to ensure you choose the right type for your road crew or construction company. Those attenuators may look alike to you, but they have different features and capabilities. Since they're a big investment, you want to ensure you choose the right features for your needs. Note a few things to ask and cover with a sales agent before you opt for a truck-mounted attenuator.
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